Summer Birding
After uni and society activities were put on hold back in March, the BirdSoc community continued to get out birding in their local areas wherever in the world they were. Read on for some summer birding highlights from our members. Hannah, pronouns she/her, Fife "I was living on the east coast of Scotland so I had a nice mix of coastal and well-maintained agricultural habitat. We have a healthy population of corn buntings and other farmland birds in my area (the chicks in the photo are yellowhammers!), as well as lots of eiders and two pairs of shelducks that come to our coast every spring for a few months. I also included a photo of a swallow that perched on the gutter just outside my window and sang every day. Another highlight was several weeks ago when I went further up the east coast and saw some gems including a sea eagle, spotted redshank and marsh harrier, and seeing hundreds of manx shearwaters on the Irish Channel." Corn Bunting by Hannah Coburn Yellowhammer nest b...